Sophie So
Chair of Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Sophie So is a Assistant Director of Residential Services at the NEEDS Center. She has a bachelor’s degree in Multidisciplinary Studies in Medical Lab Science and Philosophy with a minor in Chemistry. Even though she was a science major, after college, she found her true passion in working with people. She worked in a shelter for women and children who have been domestically abused and moved to a supervisor role in a residential group home for DCF and DMH kids. She spent about 3.5 years at the group home and found the job to be truly fulfilling, as she could relate with the individuals due to her personal experience with trauma. She wanted to progress in her career, and eventually run her own program, which lead her to work at the NEEDs Center. At the NEEDs Center, she started as a PC in Training and then became the official PC of Oak Ridge in April 2020. She has contributed to the NEEDs center in a variety of ways, engaging her clients as well as staff in new activities, supporting and advocating for a healthier lifestyle with Zoom workout groups during the pandemic, and being a big advocate during the Black Lives Matter movement. She is now the co chair for the Diversity and Inclusion committee and will work closely with PCs and staff to address and educate people on issues regarding race, gender, and discrimination.