The North East Educational and Developmental Support Center


Donations to the NEEDS Center are used to supplement the funding that we receive from State and other sources. These donations enable the NEEDS Center to provide a great variety of community activities to the people we support including: tickets to sporting events, vacations (Florida/Maine) to name a few.

“I want to thank everyone involved in the Special Olympics this past weekend, from organizing to actually working with my son on Saturday and Sunday. Thank you for your commitment to improving the lives of adults with disabilities. It was a wonderful time!”

“Once again, thank you (especially) as well as the entire NEEDS housestaff. It was extraordinarily difficult, but necessary, for us to find an alternative living arrangement for our son – and we feel fortunate to have been introduced to the NEEDS Center and comfortable with our choice to entrust you with his care. Our hopes and dreams for him are to be as independent as possible while enjoying a fulfilling work and personal life style — and we feel he is with an organization that will help with these goals while still providing a kind, caring and respectful home experience.”